Miguel A. Alonso Professor, Associate Dean of Research (Directeur Adjoint de la Recherche) Centrale Méditerranée, Marseille, France Researcher Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France also Professor at The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, USA and Senior Scientist at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, USA Editor in Chief, Optics Letters Fellow, Optica (formerly OSA, The Optical Society) Recipient of the 2023 SPIE G.G. Stokes Award in Optical Polarization email: miguel.alonso at fresnel.fr Current graduate students and postdocs Luis Arturo Alemán Castañeda Postdoc Sophie Vo Ph.D. Student (U. Rochester) Isael Alejandro Herrera Hernández Ph.D. Student (I. Fresnel, co-supervised with Dr. Sophie Brasselet) Yi-Ting (Sherry) Feng Ph.D. Student (U. Rochester, co-supervised with Prof. Thomas G. Brown) John Mahoney Ph.D. Student (U. Rochester) Former graduate students and postdocs Nicole J. Moore (Ph.D. U. Rochester 2009) Associate Professor at Gonzaga University Jonathan C. Petruccelli (Ph.D. U. Rochester 2009) Associate Professor at the University at Albany Seongkeun Cho (Ph.D. U. Rochester 2013) Senior Engineer, Samsung Electronics Katelynn A. Bauer (Ph.D. U. Rochester 2017, co-supervised by Prof. Thomas G. Brown) Scientist at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics, UR Anthony J. Vella (Ph.D. U. Rochester 2018, co-supervised by Prof. Thomas G. Brown) Senior Optical Engineer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Kevin Liang (Ph.D. U. Rochester 2019) Assistant Professor at Adelphi University Rodrigo Gutiérrez Cuevas (Ph.D. U. Rochester 2019 and Postdoc 2019-2021 I. Fresnel) Assistant Professor (MCF) at U. Paris-Saclay Luis Arturo Alemán Castañeda (Ph.D. U. Rochester and Aix-Marseille University, 2021) Now Postdoc in this group Rui Qi (M.S. U. Rochester 2018) PhD student in Physics at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Wenhua He (M.S. U. Rochester 2018) PhD student in Optics at the University of Arizona. David Marco Castillo (Postdoc 2022-2023). Postdoc at U. Elche. |