Publications by subject
Propagating wave fields using rays
Book chapter giving an overview of ray-based methods for wave propagation
- M.A. Alonso, "Rays and waves", in Phase Space Optics: Fundamentals and Applications, (McGraw-Hill, 2009), eds. B. Hennelly, J. Ojeda-Castaneda, and M. Testorf.
Stable aggregates of flexible elements in optics and quantum mechanics
Journal articles
- G.W. Forbes and M.A. Alonso, "Erratum: Asymptotic expansions for field moments of bound states (2023 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 244001)," J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 489601 (2023).
- G.W. Forbes and M.A. Alonso, "Asymptotic expansions for field moments of bound states," J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56, 244001 (2023). (arXiv.2305.03999 (2023).)
- M.A. Alonso, "Ray-based diffraction calculations using stable aggregates of flexible elements," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 30, 1223-1235 (2013).
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "Stable aggregates of flexible elements give a stronger link between rays and waves," Opt. Exp. 10, 728-739 (2002).
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "Using rays better. III. Error estimates and illustrative applications in smooth media," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18, 1357-1370 (2001).
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "Using rays better. II. Ray families to match prescribed wave fields," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18, 1146-1159 (2001).
- G.W. Forbes and M.A. Alonso, "Using rays better. I. Theory for smoothly varying media," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18, 1132-1145 (2001).
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "New approach to semiclassical analysis in mechanics," J. Math. Phys. 40, 1699-1718 (1999).
Conference proceedings
- M.A. Alonso, "The connection between rays and waves," Proceedings of Fringe 2013, 7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology, W. Osten, Ed. (Springer, Hiedelberg, 2013), pp. 457-466.
- G.W. Forbes and M.A. Alonso, "Stable aggregates of flexible elements link rays and waves," Nonimaging Optics: Maximum Efficiency Light Transfer VII, SPIE Proceedings 5185, 125-136 (2004).
- M.A. Alonso, "Stable aggregates of flexible elements: Making a silk purse from sow's ears," 2004 URSI EMTS International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory Proceedings (Edizioni Plus, Pisa 2004), pp. 346-348.
- G.W. Forbes and M.A. Alonso, "The Holy Grail of ray-based optical modeling," Proceedings of the International Optical Design Conference 2002, SPIE Proceedings 4832, 186-197 (2002).
- G.W. Forbes and M.A. Alonso, "What on earth is a ray and how can we use them best?," Proceedings of the International Optical Design Conference 1998, SPIE Proceedings 3482, 22-31 (1999).
- M.A. Alonso, "La théorie ondulatoire de Fresnel a-t-elle tué les rayons ? Comment réconcilier les rayons et les ondes," Photoniques, 2020, p. 29-33.
- G.W. Forbes and M.A. Alonso, "Using rays better," summary included in the Optics in 2001 special issue of Optics and Photonic News 12, 54 (December 2001).
Precursors to SAFE: ray-based propagators and fractional Fourier and Legendre transformations
Journal articles
- G.W. Forbes and M.A. Alonso, "Asymptotic estimation of the optical wave propagator II: relative validity," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 15, 1341-1354 (1998).
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "Asymptotic estimation of the optical wave propagator I: derivation of a new method," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 15, 1329-1340 (1998).
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "Uniform asymptotic expansions for wave propagators via fractional transformations," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 14, 1279-1292 (1997).
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "Semigeometrical estimation of Green's functions and wave propagators in optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 14, 1076-1086 (1997).
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "Generalization of Hamilton's formalism for geometrical optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 12 2744-2752 (1995).
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "Fractional Legendre transformation," J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 28, 5509-5527 (1995).
Conference proceedings
- M.A. Alonso and G.W. Forbes, "Fractional Legendre transformation and its use in Hamilton's formalism," Proceedings of the Second Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics, SPIE Proceedings 2730, 248-251 (1996).